Friday, October 9, 2009

Friends, problems, cleaning Kathy

Haven't been too good about posting, life is crazy but quite honestly I think I must like it that way :)  I've had a few sgbd's lately that I'm really glad that I followed.  One was to call a friend, led to some meaningful things.  Another was to ponder a really big problem in my life and I feel some direction on it.  Like Brent, I feel way too many sgbd's about cleaning to mention but I'm trying to follow them even when it isn't convenient or it's "somebody else's job" or "somebody else's mess."  One that kind of falls in the category of cleaning but didn't happen at my house may be worth telling.  I was on the Cuyamaca campus where I work out (o0o now you know why I'm in such fabulous shape...jk (unfortunately)) and I'm walking along during a pretty busy time of day.  Lot's of people everywhere.  I saw up ahead on the sidewalk that someone had dropped something embarassing and right after I wondered how embarassed the person would have been if only they'd known, the thought went through my head "I wonder how many people have walked by that and kept on going" and the next thought was "Are you going to be the next to do the same thing?"  So then I picked it up and threw it away.  The funny thing is that the trash can was probably 100 feet away and it was no big deal but it was like the natural inclination was to "see nothing, do nothing."  Amazing how many things we let fall into a category called "Someone Else Will Take Care of This"  Too bad that would make a terrible acronym.

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