Sunday, September 6, 2009

It is Kathy

The main sgbd (new acronym to save my fingers/sanity) I had today was in my church meeting.  On the first Sunday of the month we can share a testimony with the congregation.  And quite honestly, I don't do it often enough.  I have lots of reasons but nevertheless if I don't feel quite strongly that I should bear testimony I gladly skip the experience.  And it doesn't have anything to do with not wanting to speak in public :D (random readers of this blog can go to to get that one...) So today I felt that I should and I really had nothing to say, normally I like to have some faith-promoting story or experience that makes it more meaningful.  Couldn't think of one.  Then the thought came to me, "It is enough."  So I bore a testimony of this 30 day experience (only I called them "promptings" instead of saygobedos because that is the language people in my church would understand) and I bore testimony that having a testimony was reason enough to bear it.

I had a couple of people tell me that it spoke to them and one man said that he wished he acted on every prompting he received, and then commented that if we do it means that other things have to go by the way side.  So true.  Guess we'll see what else slides off my proverbial plate while my cup runneth over!!

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